Data Privacy Statement

This Data Privacy Statement (“Statement”), which has been prepared in relation to R.A. 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, and its implementing rules and regulations, describes how personal information is collected, processed, disclosed, and stored by LBP Resources and Development Corporation and applies to its employees and all persons who apply for or avail of any of LBRDC’s products and services, or who have established or propose to establish an account with LBRDC, or who have provided or propose to provide third party security to LBRDC (“Client”).


To provide the Client with LBRDC’s products and services and/or to implement Client-requested transactions, LBRDC shall collect personal information from the Client which may include, but are not limited to:

  • Name, Age, Date/Place of Birth, Gender, Civil Status, Nationality
  • Address and Contact Details
  • Educational Background
  • Employment History
  • Financial Background
  • Specimen Signature
  • Permits, Licenses & Registrations
  • Status of Pending Civil/Criminal Cases (if any)
  • Telephone/Mail conversation recordings through our Customer Care Service and E-reklamo complaint

If deemed necessary, LBRDC may request to verify the Client’s personal information or seek additional information from regulatory, judicial, tax authorities, or credit bureaus.


LBRDC shall process the Client’s personal information in connection with any of the following purposes:

  • Ease of contacting/communicating with clients;
  • Evaluate, approve, provide, or manage applications, products and services, and other transactions that the Client has requested;
  • Comply with know-your-customer information requirements;
  • Conduct employment background;
  • Evaluate the Client’s eligibility for LBRDC’s products and services;
  • Perform profile and risk analysis;
  • Provide extensive and quality support to the Client;
  • For internal purposes, such as administrative, operational, audit, credit and risk management, or;
  • Comply with its reporting obligation to government authorities under applicable laws, rules, and regulations.


Processing refers to the collection, recording, organization, storage, updating or modification, retrieval, consultation, use, consolidation, blocking, erasure, or destruction of personal information. If necessary for the efficient delivery of LBRDC’s products and services, the processing of personal data may be outsourced to third-party service providers subject to compliance with this Statement and the provisions of the Data Privacy Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations.

LBRDC shall collect personal information through, but not limited to, any of the following:

  • Face-to-face and/or telephone conversation with LBRDC personnel
  • Accomplishment and/or signing of forms/documents
  • Online Application Form for Employment through recruitment channels, website, and social media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter)
  • Fill out survey forms


LBRDC collects information upon the Client’s application for, availing of, and/or usage of LBRDC’s products and services. This includes, but is not limited to, recruitment, loan applications, suppliers’ accreditation, etc.


Personal information may be processed and shared with various units within LBRDC to the extent necessary for any of the purposes herein declared, to credit information bureaus or government authorities under applicable laws, rules, and regulations.


Retention and disposal of personal information shall be made in accordance with the Records Disposal Policy and Records Disposition Schedule of LBRDC as approved by the National Archives of the Philippines under RA 9470.


To ensure that personal data and information being processed by LBP Resources and Development Corporation are secured and protected in accordance with the data privacy principles of transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality, these guidelines are hereby issued in compliance with Republic Act No. 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act (DPA) of 2012, its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), National Privacy Commission (NPC) Circulars and other applicable laws.

LBRDC, its employees, agents, and representatives, shall handle personal information with utmost care and adhere to appropriate organizational, physical, and technical measures to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and security of all personal information in its possession.


In accordance with the Data Privacy Act, the Client has the right to:

  • Be informed whether their personal information shall or have been processed;
  • Reasonable access to their personal information;
  • Require LBRDC to update their personal information;
  • Destruction of personal information if LBRDC is not required to retain it by law or for legitimate business purposes and subject to the conditions for the legitimate exercise of the said rights under the Data Privacy Act and its IRR.


Any inquiry or request for information regarding this Statement may be addressed to the following:

Jan Carlo L. Libiran
24th Floor, LBP Plaza,1595 M.H. del Pilar cor. Dr. J. Quintos Sts., Malate, Manila 1004
Telephone Nos. (+632) 8405-7134/ (+632) 8405-7402
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

POLICY ON DATA PRIVACY (Available Upon Request)



Corporate Social Responsibility Statement

LBRDC recognizes that its operation poses actual and potential impacts to the individual and collective stakeholders. LBRDC’s Corporate Social Responsibility embodies its commitment to act responsibly and ethically to provide protection to our employees, workers, clients, the community and the environment.

  1. Duty to be Responsive to Stakeholders
    Every Director and Officer accepts the position fully aware that he assumes certain responsibilities not only to the LBRDC and its stockholders, but also with different constituencies or Stakeholders, who have the right to expect that the LBRDC is being run in a prudent manner and with regard to the interests of all Stakeholders. Consequently, members of the Board and Officers shall deal fairly with the LBRDC’s employees, customers, suppliers and other Stakeholders. No member of the Board or Officer may take unfair advantage of the LBRDC’s employees, customers, suppliers and other Stakeholders through manipulation, concealment, abuse of confidential or privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other unfair-dealing practice.
  2. CSR Principles
    As an integral part of the National Government, LBRDC is inherently mandated to be socially responsible, to act and operate as good corporate citizens. The Governing Board shall recognize and perform the obligations LBRDC has towards the National Government, its majority stockholder, as well as the minority stockholders when existing, together with the employees, suppliers, customers and other Stakeholders, and the communities in which it operates. The Directors, Officers and all its employees are required to abide by ethical policies as mandated by the GCG. The protection of the reputation and goodwill of LBRDC is of fundamental importance, and Directors, Officers and employees should be aware of the disciplinary implications of breaches of policy. Every officer and employee of LBRDC is encouraged to promptly report any potentially illegal, improper and/or unethical conduct that they become aware of at their workplace or in connection with their work. LBRDC should have an environment that enables its people to raise genuine and legitimate concerns internally. However, if the people of the LBRDC, and/or the stockholders believe their reporting to management may result in harassment, or undue distress, they may contact the GCG support to report such matters. The GCG provides for an opportunity for concerns to be investigated and ensures appropriate action is taken to resolve the matter effectively.
  3. Formal Recognition of the Stakeholders
    LBRDC’s major and other Stakeholders
    1. LBRDC believes that professional trustworthiness and integrity is a prerequisite for a successful and sustained business relationship.
    2. LBRDC provides the highest quality service for Land Bank of the Philippines and its clients for the construction, real and other properties acquired and real estate management and maintenance and manpower services requirements.
    3. LBRDC shall deal with its clients with credibility, transparency and excellence in all aspects of its business transactions.
  4. Employees
    1. LBRDC practices the principle of equality as the company endeavors to uphold an environment of equal work opportunity work and a safe and healthy workplace.
    2. LBRDC considers its employees as its most asset, treats them with dignity regardless of background and personal characteristics and prevents discrimination on account of race, origin, religious and traditional beliefs, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity or physical ability.
    3. Provide LBRDC employees with reasonable and competitive compensation.
    4. Provide employee development discussions and structured training programs for continuing personal and professional development for LBRDC employees.
    5. Every employee of LBRDC is encouraged to –
      1. Remember that the biggest stakeholder is the Government;
      2. Share the vision of LBRDC;
      3. Be accountable to the public;
      4. Listen and learn from his/her co-employees;
      5. Think and act as a team;
      6. Focus on the customers and strive for customer satisfaction;
      7. Respect others;
      8. Communicate with stockholders and customers;
      9. Deliver results and celebrate success; and
      10. Protect the reputation of LBRDC.
  5. Community
    1. LBRDC strictly abide by the law, rules and regulations, policies and directives as mandated by the governing bodies to promote transparency, widen its clientele, enhance trustworthiness and confidence in the fulfillment of its mandate for the entire citizenry.
    2. LBRDC supports legitimate activities and programs of NGO’s that safeguards and improves the state of the environment for future generations.
    3. LBRDC practice employee volunteerism by participating in the Land Bank of the Philippines’ eco-friendly drive, fighting global climate change and ecological awareness for sustainable environment.
  6. Customers
    1. LBRDC shall operate a highly effective and efficient organization, focused on meeting customer objectives with the aim of providing services which give fair value and consistent quality, reliability and safety in return for the price paid for the same.
    2. LBRDC aims to operate policies of continuous improvement, of both processes and the skills of the staff, to take best advantage of advances in all aspect of society in order to ensure that it continues to add value to its customers’ businesses.
    3. LBRDC shall have clear and strong lines of communication to respond quickly and efficiently to customer and market requirements, as well as the public needs, and for the customers to receive consistent service in order to successfully and consistently deliver what LBRDC is mandated to do.
  7. Suppliers
    As with other relationships with the Stakeholders, LBRDC aims to develop relationships and improve networking with business partners and suppliers based on mutual trust. LBRDC aims to offer, through partnership with its suppliers, the best combination of state-of-the art technology and world class service, strong customer relations and deep industry knowledge and experience, together with the capacity to implement and deliver value-added solutions on time and within budget.
  8. Health and Safety
    LBRDC aims to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all its employees, outside contractors and visitors. LBRDC shall comply with all relevant local legislation or regulations, and best practice guidelines recommended by national health and safety authorities. The staff should be informed regarding the policies and practices of LBRDC in order to maintain a healthy, safe and enjoyable environment.
  9. Environment
    LBRDC shall consider that there are inevitable environmental impacts associated with daily operations. It shall be the goal of LBRDC to minimize harmful effects and consider the development and implementation of environmental standards to achieve this to be of great importance. As such, LBRDC shall strongly encourage 3 R’s: “Reduce”, “Re-use”, and “Recycle”. In the course of the operations of LBRDC, it should identify opportunities to reduce consumption of energy, water and other natural resources. LBRDC shall also strive to re-use and recycle where possible and dispose of non-recyclable items responsibly, thereby minimizing our impact on the environment. In doing so, by adopting simple, environmentally friendly initiatives, LBRDC shall raise awareness among the members of the communities it affects.

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